Nautec FS 0.9

The Nautec FS 0.9 is a self-leveling floor with a fast drying time and low specific weight. Suitable for leveling metal and concrete substrates to serve as a base for tiles, carpet, and plastics, for example. The Nautec FS 0.9 is the lightweight version of our Nautec FS.

  • IMO Certified
  • Self-Leveling
  • Fast Drying
  • Layer Thickness: 3 to 10 mm

System properties

Specific Weight: 0.9 kg / mm / m²
Flexural Strength [after 28 days]: 6.4 N / mm²
Compressive Strength [after 28 days]: 19.8 N / mm²
Walkable [at 20 °C]: After 3 hours
Recoatable (tiles): 16 hours
Recoatable (other)*: 72 hours
Application Temperature: +10 °C to +30 °C
Pot Life [at 20 °C]: 45 minutes

*Applies to a 10 mm layer thickness; each additional 5 mm increases the time by 24 hours.